Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mothers Day Expectations...

I must admit my hubby hasn’t risen up to my expectations in the last two years on mother’s day, no breakfast reservations, running out to get a card on the afternoon of, getting a pressie the day after...you get the idea and though in other ways he is fabulous (always pitching in even though he works very hard and never expecting me to fulfil the traditional stay at home mum role - even though I do own an apron and a duster and am constantly searching for the perfect mop) this is the one area where he has been the ‘less than perfect hubby’ so probably on a par with many a husbands out there.

This year he seems determined to improve on his past performance and already last week he went off in search of story books about mothers...it just happened to be while I was with him, and he sat at the borders kids table playing with the kids while I searched for books and managed to find a couple which I then paid for while he took the kids to the car and as I type they are still sitting on the kitchen bench waiting to be wrapped.

Another improvement this year is hubby organising a reservation for breakfast – and being very considerate he even checked where I would want to go and went in made a reservation.

So this mother’s’ day looks set to be the best so far– the only thing that would ruin it would be being given a ‘domestic’ present, if my hubby brought me a coffee machine or new blender (both which we could do with) or anything for the house which I feel chained to sometimes I will have to take revenge with his credit card!

If like me, you have high hopes for mother’s day but are also realistic about what the outcome may be I hope that you enjoy it the way you want it to be...a lovely sleep in, breakfast in bed or a decadent breakfast out, a family outing or some alone time, a homemade card from your little darlings or even just some gorgeous cuddles I hope it’s not just another day.

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